Independent International Clinical Laboratory for the Examinsation and Certification of Cosmetic Products and Food Supplements


Why does the skin of the face and neck age? Should we blame time for everything?

The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of cosmetic products that can improve the look of anyone in several of minsutes! And we are not only talking about makeup and the services of beauty specialists, but also various techniques and methods of rejuvenation. But are these methods really so harmless and what consequences does excessive use of makeup have?

Factors of skin aging
Inherent factors of aging

Unfortunately, some causes of facial skin aging cannot be combated. Our biological age determinses structural changes in the skin and the effectiveness of cellular function. In its turn these factors determinse what type of skin aging will occur, and also help develop a strategy to combat it.

Types of skin aging:
  • With fine wrinkles. It begins with the appearance of expression wrinkles, and then with static wrinkles in the eye area ("crow's feet") and wrinkles on the upper lip. The skin is thin and dry. The pores do not stand out even in the T-zone, and the subcutaneous fat layer is poorly developed. This type of aging is often accompanied by pigmentation (senile lentigo) that manifests itself not only on the skin of the face, but also on the neckline and arms.
  • Tired. According to this type of aging, people with normal or mixed skin tend to age faster. In middle age, signs of fatigue gradually begin to appear and are exacerbated at dusk. One of the first manifestations is the nasolacrimal furrow and nasolabial folds, as well as a dull complexion and swelling. Then, the cheekbones are flattened and the corners of the lips fall. Subsequently, wrinkles form on the lip chin. In this way, the face acquires a sad and tired look.
  • Deformative (edematous deformation). It is characteristic of oily, dense and porous skins with a highly developed layer of subcutaneous fat. Despite its density, the skin begins to stretch under the weight of a pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat. As a result, the facial oval is deformed and its contours can become blurred even at a young age (25+). Deep nasolabial folds, hernias of the upper and lower eyelid, as well as cheeks appear. The skin loosens and acquires a heterogeneous surface (the pore pattern increases in the T-zone). In addition, the tendency to edema gradually increases.
  • Muscle. This is the least widespread type of aging in the European region and the most common among Asian faces. Owners of such faces retain clear facial features for a long time, and are distinguished by youth and elasticity of the skin. The first signs of aging appear much later compared to other types of aging. Fine wrinkles are not very common. By 40-50 years, the gradual lowering of the upper eyelids and nasolabial folds begins to be noticed. This type of skin is prone to hyperpigmentation. The corners of the mouth sink and the lips become thin.

The aging process of the skin affects each layer, including 1) epidermis, 2) dermis and 3) hypodermis.

Extrinsic factors of aging

Extrinsic factors that affect the speed of skin aging are based on a process: oxidative stress. In this case, molecules are produced that are called free radicals or free forms of oxygen. According to the theory of free radicals, we age due to the accumulation of damage to cells caused by the action of free radicals. A free radical is a volatile atom or molecule that contains an unpaired electron in its outer orbit. Most of them have the ability to severely damage all cellular structures, including lipids and proteins.

Normally, free radicals are captured and neutralized in the skin by antioxidants, molecules that can absorb and inhibit them. However, over time, the skin's ability to deactivate free radicals decreases. As a result, damage occurs to all components of the skin cell. Oxidative stress is caused and exacerbated by various external factors.

The good interaction between the layers in the young skin ensures the efficient supply of moisture and nutrients to the superficial tissues.
Over time, these links and interaction mechanisms slow down and become less effective.
A hidden threat:
cosmetic products are the main enemies of skin youth

Unfortunately, harmful ingredients and impurities present in cosmetic products are much more common than we would like, and some of them pose a real threat to human health and the environment. Many cosmetic products, including those with the ECO label, contain chemicals that affect the human endocrine system and accelerate the aging process.

According to InterLAB research, more than 90% of cosmetic products and cosmetological products contain traces of carcinogens and gender benders (substances that change the hormonal background) that are deposited in human adipose tissue.

For example, dioxane (1,4-dioxane) and nitrosaminses, aggressive carcinogens that penetrate the human body through the skin, are present even in baby shampoos. Constant interaction with such substances increases the risk of developing cancer.

They are formed during:

  • the reception of individual ingredients;
  • the interaction of two completely safe ingredients in the composition of the final product;
  • contact with chemicals released by human skin.

It is important to note here that these chemical compounds are not active substances in the composition of the cosmetic product, therefore, they are not indicated on the label.

You can identify a dangerous trail yourself:

  • The carcinogen dioxane (1,4-dioxane) is present in your cosmetics and cleaning products if the following compounds are indicated in its composition: PEG, polyethylene glycol (polyethylene glycol), polyoxyethylene (polyoxyethylene), as well as chemicals with the ending "-eth" (for example, the laureth family) or "-oxynol".
  • The carcinogenic agents from the group of nitrosaminses are present in your cosmetic products if in its composition shall indicate the following compounds: sodium nitrite (Sodium nitrite), used as a corrosion inhibitor and in hair dyes as a catalyst, conservants like 2-bromo-2-nitropropano-1,3-diol (2-bromo-2-nitropropan-1,3-diol) (BNPD; bronopol) and 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane (5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane) (bronidox; C bronidox).

Many manufacturers of cosmetic products still use these substances. In order to make greater profits, they continue to use low-quality raw materials and primitive methods to obtain ingredients, endangering the health of millions of people.

It should be noted also the gender benders or ecoestrogens.

They are dangerous because they tend to accumulate in the tissues of the human body. This means that, in women begins to produce the male hormone testosterone in excess, and in men, the female hormone progesterone.

Ecoestrogens in the form of surfactants are present in the composition of most detergents and are used in cosmetic products, hygiene products and food.

Commonly used ecoestrogens are the following:

  • BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene) is used as an antioxidant. In case of prolonged action, it accumulates and negatively affects the liver, thyroid gland and kidneys in high concentrations and disrupts the respiratory system and blood circulation .
  • Phthalates are used in cosmetic products as plasticizers to improve the flexibility, hardness and gloss of materials, as well as odor fixatives (flavorings, perfumes). According to the results of a new study, they cause early menopause and premature aging of the skin and accelerate the onset of menopause in 2 years. Once in the body, phthalates are distributed throughout the organs, damaging the hormonal system, liver and lungs. Many cosmetic products, lipstick and creams include hidden phthalates. They are labelled as: BBP-butylphenyl phthalate, DBP-di (n - butyl) phthalate, DEHP-di (2 - ethylhexyl) phthalate, diethyl DEP - phthalate, di-n-hexyl DHP-phthalate, di - zodecyl DIDP-phthalate .
  • Parabens are chemical compounds (esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid) that are used as additives in the food industry, as well as in the pharmaceutical and beauty industry. They are the cause of allergic reactions, the destruction of collagen bonds and possibly catalysts for breast cancer (this assumption is not confirmed by relevant tests). Parabens often used in the manufacture of cosmetic products are the following: methylparaben (can be found in the list of ingredients under codes E218 and E219), ethylparaben (E214), propylparaben (E216), butylparaben, benzylparaben and isobutylparaben.

A simplified philosophy for beauty brands - Cosmetics

5 serious problems caused by makeup

Sensitive skin

Many women believe that their allergy to cosmetic products actually have irritation caused by a group (or several groups) of chemicals that are present in cosmetic products.

Nigerian studies have shown that 42% of women think they have sensitive skin.

Often, manifestations such as itching, red spots and rashes disappear quickly if the affected area is rinsed with water or a soothing lotion. As a rule, skin sensitivity is caused by fragrances, sunscreens, conservants and coloring chemicals, both of natural and synthetic origin.


An allergic reaction occurs when the body's immune system reacts with a catalytic substance. Symptoms of allergies are itching, swelling of the skin, and rash. The appearance of simple allergic reactions can be avoided if you stop using cosmetics that cause a negative effect. In most cases, the cause is in parabens: ecoestrogens used to extend shelf life.

Acne and blackheads with blackheads (comedones)

One of the causes of acne is fatty or oily substances that penetrate the pores of the skin along with makeup particles and skin care products and clog them. Phthalates, which are present in various face products (from foundation to highlighters) and eye shadows, act particularly aggressively on the surface of the skin. The mixture of sebum and the particles of the composition of the makeup products hardens and becomes a plug that, in contact with air, turns black forminsg the comedon. If bacteria get into such plugs, pimples become infected and red pimples are formed - acne.

Anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder

Studies show that most women who wear makeup excessively have emotional and psychological problems. Very eye-catching makeup is typical for people with high levels of stress. The use of makeup is more a consequence than a cause. In addition, the results of the studies show that the long and thorough process of applying makeup in many layers indicates the presence of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).

However, psychologists advise people in depression to wear makeup as often as possible.

"The practice of using daily makeup in the prevention of depression and anxiety is widespread around the world. Changing the image in the mirror with the help of ordinary makeup, a woman puts on a new social mask. This helps to raise self-esteem and feel more confident by being alone and communicating with the outside world at the same time. Over time, the feeling of self-confidence becomes natural for the patient and the disease recedes. But this technique is not a panacea, but only a contributory therapy."
Dr. Bolade Adamu, licensed psychologist,
expert in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
for a wide range of mental disorders.
Nigeria, Abuja

Premature skin aging

The first signs of skin aging usually begin to appear around age 25.*

According to the data, up to two kilos of chemicals accumulate in the body of a woman who wears makeup regularly. There may be more if you don't remove it at night and don't let the skin "breathe." Lack of oxygen and aggressive chemical components lead to the appearance of various skin rashes, inflammation and aging of the skin.

First, barely noticeable wrinkles appear on the skin that become more pronounced over time, resulting in a loss of volume and elasticity.

However, recently, this threshold is becominsg more and more young, which is associated with the total enthusiasm of young girls for makeup tutorials. A study conducted in February 2022 showed that in Nigeria, 70% of people under the age of 21-25 have signs of premature skin aging.

What are we supposed to do? Not wear any makeup?

No matter how you try, but you'll never be able to fully protect yourself from various types of toxins, free radicals, and ecostrogens. Unfortunately, these harmful substances are not only found in makeup products, but also in the urban air, in tap water, in food and in the cleaning products we use daily. It is not enough to stop using cosmetic products. Completely changing the way of life and moving to the desert where no one has been before is too radical a decision that not everyone can cope with. There are no magical products that can improvement youth. However, there are some effective anti-aging cosmetic products that can delay the aging process of the skin and make wrinkles invisible. Many brands offer products with anti-aging action. To determinse at what age to use anti-aging cosmetic products, it is necessary to take consider the inheritance and characteristics of the lifestyle.

A properly selected anti-aging cream is the best way to combat age-related skin changes that, thanks to its special composition, can improvement lost elasticity and firmness.

What are the most important ingredients in an anti-aging cream?

An anti-aging cream should contain plant extracts, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitaminss and minerals. Anti-aging vitamins A, E and C improve vascular elasticity, stimulate collagen synthesis and increase skin resources. The SpeciaLift acid present in the composition of marine collagen protects the stratum corneum of the skin, prevents dehydration, promotes the penetration of biologically active substances and improves improvement processes in the epidermis.

If you prefer fast absorbing creams with a light texture, check out the new SpeciaLift with instant lifting effect. The active ingredient in SpeciaLift is Niacinamide, a plant-based retinol substitute. This phytoconcentrate is extracted in India from a rare plant called Cullen corylifolium. Niacinamide activates the production of type I, III and IV collagen (retinol "is responsible" only for type I collagen) and inhibits the work of enzymes that disrupt the metabolism of proteins and skin cells. It not only acts on the surface of the epidermis, but also penetrates the deeper layers of the dermis, triggering the mechanism of cell renewal from the inside. Unlike synthetic retinol, which is used in cosmetology, Niacinamide coexists with the skin and does not cause allergies. Replaces 100% natural retinol, stimulates collagen production, smoothes wrinkles and skin texture, lightens redness and age spots.

SpeciaLift anti-aging formula
Niacinamide It stimulates collagen production, improvement skin elasticity, fights wrinkles and inhibits melanin production. It also removes skin imperfections and acne due to its antiseptic properties. By penetrating skin cells, Niacinamide activates the chemical pathways responsible for collagen production and reduces the risk of early age-related changes.
Vitaminse C A powerful natural antioxidant that cleanses the skin and protects it from damage caused by free radicals. \ It has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes wound healing and eliminsates unwanted stains produced by age.
Malus Domestica Stimulates the formation of collagen fibers, smoothes wrinkles and combats edema.
Fruit Cell Culture Moisturizes the skin of the face and neck, fights aging associated with sun exposure, improvement the protective functions of the skin and saturates vitaminss and fatty acids.
Hyaluronic Acid There is a protein at the base of the connective tissue of the skin. While a person is young, the body produces collagen on its own, but its level decreases over time. The skin loses its elasticity, changes the shape of the face. That's why the skin needs extra collagen after age 35. Marine collagen is extracted from the skin of marine fish. It is the one that is most assimilated to human collagen by its structure and, therefore, is absorbed in the most effective way possible.

The formula of SpeciaLift determinses the cumulative effect of the product. This means that the longer you use the cream, the deeper it will penetrate the skin structure and smooth even the deepest wrinkles. After an application cycle of SpeciaLift, the lifting effect lasts up to 2 times longer compared to other anti-aging products.

The recommended application cycle for skin with early signs of aging is 1 month.

Severe age-related changes require longer application.

Method of application: apply a small amount of cream to the skin of the face and décolleté in the morning and evening with light massage movements.

* On cleansed skin!

P.S.: Now you have the opportunity to buy SpeciaLift with a 50% discount!

As of today the quantity available at a special price is:

23 pcs.

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* Your data is sent directly to the manufacturer. No one else will have access to them.
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After using this cream, the" crow's feet " under the eyes began to disappear. Before, not a single product could cope with them, even expensive creams and serums. SpeciaLift was recommended by a beautician.
· Reply · · 2 hours
The composition is organic, which is very important to me. The texture is light, not sticky, distributes well on the skin, smells great. The wrinkles have become smaller. This cream is perfect for me.
· Reply · · 1 hour
My soul is still young, but my face, unfortunately, is not. I don't want to become a grandmother too soon. Therefore, six months ago I stopped using cosmetics and switched to this cream. I use it 2 times a day, I apply it right after washing my face. In six months not a single new wrinkle has appeared, and the old ones have become less visible.
· Reply · · 1 hour
I never thought at 37 I'd look better than at 27... And that without injections or surgery. I've been using this cream for 3 months. It has made my skin perfect, I no longer need the powder, the foundation or the concealer.
· Reply · · 57 mins
I can't say it's old, but the wrinkles started to show a lot and I was afraid to try Botox injections because I wasn't quite sure my face would look good afterwards. My friend, who is a beautician, told me about the SpeciaLift cream. I ordered it online and paid cash on delivery. I did not expect a cosmetic product to give such results: 2 weeks later, my wrinkles began to smooth and my face tightened.
· Reply · · 38 mins
I love to laugh. I do not know if it is true that laughter prolongs life, but what I do know for sure is that it causes wrinkles. Those harmless facial wrinkles get deeper and deeper over time, which doesn't make a bit of fun. I have been using this cream for almost a month and my wrinkles have become less noticeable. I recommend it.
· Reply · · 27 mins
I liked this cream. First, my cosmetologist gave me a sample. I tried it and I really liked it. Then I ordered it online. What I like most is to apply it under my eyes. Removes all wrinkles there.
· Reply · · 25 mins
I have 30 years and crow's feet around my eyes. I'm afraid of getting old! I have bought SpeciaLift and I hope you will help me. By the way, who has already ordered it from this page? How long does the shipment take?
· Reply · · 18 mins
The only downside to this cream is that guys who are young enough to be my children try to flirt with me on the streets. I prefer older men ;)
· Reply · · 9 mins
I use SpeciaLift as a base. My pores do not clog, cosmetic products do not settle into wrinkles, my makeup does not form lumps. Its texture is very pleasant.
· Reply · · 7 mins
I've been using it for 3 months. After using this cream, my skin became soft, smooth and silky. It's not sticky and doesn't make your skin oily.
· Reply · · 2 mins
They applied this cream on my face in a beauty salon and then offered me to buy it at a price 3 times higher than the manufacturer. Good thing I didn't accept. I came home and looked it up on the Internet, and that's how I found this page. I will order it without a doubt, it is worth it for the price it has!
· Reply · · 2 mins
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